HeadGear - 2Vanberk Armor- Tao Gunka Right Weapon - Use Icepink Kung Wala Ka Pang Thanatos (if u don't have thanatos card use ICE PICK) Pero Kung May Thana ka na ito card - Thana Tg tg bapho (use 1 thana 2 Turtle general card 1 baphomet card) Left Weapon - Tg Tg Abys Abys or tg dopple abys abys (Use 2 turtle general card 2 abbysmal knight card or 1 turtle general card + 1 dopple card + 2 abbysmal knight card) Shoes - Eddga Card Manteau - you Better Use Deviling for the Damage of Baphoment Accessories - Use 2hylozist Card Para Sa mga Plant (to make the mobs transform to plants etc)
Arena Stats
Str+ max Agi+ depende kung nakadoppel ka o hindi (its depends if you are using dopple card) Vit+ rest/para hindi ka mahirapan Kpg Kumpulan (increase your life) Dex+ 450 - 500 hit Luk+ Kht 50+ Critical Rate
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